Families Belong Together marches – please join tomorrow, June 30


Dear Friends,

We realize this is short notice, but we only recently got our own updates on these marches.

Families Belong Together marches across the country will affirm our commitment to both reunification of children and parents separated at the border and also affirm our opposition to the “Muslim Ban” recently approved by the Supreme Court.  We think these policies are horrific and violate the key promise of America as a refuge for all people. It, too, breaks up families by denying entry to those whose families are already here. 

The marches are tomorrow, June 30 in dozens of cities in even the smallest of towns.  In California there are marches from Los Angeles and San Francisco to Fort Bragg and Eureka.  Find one near you and join in!

Please affirm your commitment to fighting for families, affirming the sanctity of families kept intact with sane immigration policies.  We need to make clear that this nation wishes to carry on rational immigration standards that benefit new arrivals as they did for our ancestors.

To find a march in your area, please go here, get details on locations, and RSVP for tomorrow’s march.  

We must be silent no more on behalf of those being harmed by angry fears and bad decisions.  Let your presence be testimony for the love of our fellow humans no matter from where they come.  Families Belong Together whoever they may be.

Thank you!

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