How you can help congregations and survivors of California wildfires


Dear Friends,

All the world’s caring people have been overwhelmed and horrified by the wildfires decimating both Northern and Southern California.  Many people are asking how they can help, and our denominational members are pretty overwhelmed with phone calls and offers of assistance. We are trying to  give them some relief by reaching out to you with that information.

We have organized a list of denominational resources for our member congregations whose churches have been damaged or destroyed in the two California wildfires. We have added denominations or local churches we know are helping survivors, a huge task since there are over 10,000 homeless individuals and families in Northern California alone.

Online donations are pretty simple; where denomination are collecting for fire relief nationally, you may designate the area you wish to help, even a particular congregation. If you want to help individual families, you may mail gift cards for any store to the denominational offices with a note saying they are for survivors of the fires.  The staff will get them into the hands of those doing outreach and assistance to displaced people.  

We caution against sending material items.  Congregations are overwhelmed and have space limitations.  Gift cards let people buy the things they need without the congregational members having to sort, store, and distribute items.  They aren’t impersonal but welcomed.  If you want to send toys for the holidays, please check with any recipient congregation first.  

Below is the list of denominational administrative resources to which you may send fire relief donations.  It is not exhaustive and complete since we don’t know who all is doing outreach and support in surrounding communities, but we do know these are our member denominations in the area plus allies we wish to help as well.

United Methodist Churches

UMC Cal-Nevada Conference
1350 Halyard Dr.
West Sacramento, CA 95891
Disaster relief – name Paradise UMC or leave it general
Donate here

UMC CA-Pacific Conference
110 Euclid Ave.
Pasadena CA 91102-6006
Disaster Relief online or by check 
Donate here


Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Sacramento, CA
Donate to disaster relief here

Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
840 Echo Park Avenue
Los Angeles 90026
Note – the diocesan web page is under construction. This referral will help get the donation where it is needed. Donate here

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
9260 Alcosta Blvd. Suite C-22
San Ramon CA 94583-4143
Donate here

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Sierra Pacific Synod, ELCA
9985 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento CA 95827
Lutheran Social Services – Donate here
(Designations are at the bottom – one is for Paradise Lutheran, but you may write in “wildfire” both online and in the memo line of your check.  Checks should be sent to the Concord CA office. The address is given on this web site.)

Southwest CA Synod, ELCA
1300 E. Colorado St.
Glendale, CA 91205
Donate here

United Church of Christ Congregational

United Church of Christ (Congregational)
Attn. Financial Services
700 Prospect, 6th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115
Donate here
Under the “Payment” section you may direct your donation to California, Northern or Southern California, Paradise, or any other specific site.

Church of the Brethren

Church of the Brethren
PO Box 219
La Verne CA 91750-0219
Donate here

Unitarian Universalist

Unitarian Universalist Association
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston MA 02210-1409
Donate here
Disaster Relief specification in “comments” 

African Methodist Episcopal

Bethel AME
821 Linden St.
Chico CA 95928
530-774-2600 (phone and FAX) 
We have confirmed that Bethel AME is helping with relief efforts and needs support.  However, they have no online access.  The phone is usually set on FAX, so that’s one way to contact them, but you may send checks or gift cards to them at this address with a note stating your wish to help.  

Presbyterian USA

Presbytery of Sacramento – Camp Fire Relief Fund
9983 Folsom Blvd.
Sacramento CA 95827
Donate here

Pacific Presbytery
Wildfire Fund
6323 W. 80th Street
Los Angeles CA 90045
Donate here

Whatever you can do, whatever you can give will be so appreciated.  The loss of homes and the loss of life is beyond comprehension. We thank you in advance for your concern for the people of these stricken areas.  Blessings to all who reach out in compassion and love.

We do ask that you keep this list.  We fear it will be needed again.  We pray it is no time soon and never again so devastating.

Thank you and best wishes for Christmas and a much better New Year.

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