Scott Warren’s prosecution for an act of compassion ends in a mistrial


Many of you have responded with compassion to the plight of justice advocate, Scott Warren.  

He was arrested and has been on trial for offering food and water to undocumented immigrants.  We have published the story on our blog.

The trial ended with the judge declaring a mistrial since the jury could not arrive at a verdict.  The really good news is that it was 8-4 in favor of NOT GUILTY.  This is important because with the weight of the impasse leaning toward a NOT GUILTY verdict, it means the US Attorney – the one who said Scott’s faith standards were NOT actually a part of his faith – will be far less likely to refile.  It’s not impossible for Scott to be retried. It is less likely.

Please keep in touch with his organization, No Mas Muertes of No More Deaths. There will be others who will be arrested for acts of compassion toward immigrants. They and other groups fighting the harsh treatment of immigrants will need all of us in the coming months.  

Bu for now a bit of good news for Scott, for his friends, for justice.  

Thank you.

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