When Two or More Gather In My Name – Governor’s guidelines for us


Dear Friends,

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld Governor Gavin Newsom’s order suspending in-person religious gatherings.  What was asserted by opponents was the violation of First Amendment Rights.  However, the court found that the greater good was protecting the general welfare in preserving social distancing and public health.

Soon we hope this will change.  To that end, Governor Newsom’s office has put out a PDF we can use.  From the Department of Public Health, we are, oddly, part of the “COVID-19 Industry Guidance” with specific reference to places of worship.  Being part of our state’s “industry” is rather appealing from the standpoint of reminding us we are to be as caring of those who pack our frozen foods as of our neighbors in the pew next to us.  So with that illumination, we link you to our specific  “industrial” guidelines for reopening here  

In the meantime for everyone worshipping via Zoom or web pages or Facebook or however you’re doing it, remember the pandemic is not over, and life will not go back to “normal”.  It will take some adjustment by us all, but if we truly keep the faith, we will prevail.

Thanks to all of you who have written back concerning these email observations.  It’s lovely to reconnect with many of you. You’re a blessing to us here in Sacramento. 

Our last advice today from the sign on the elementary school in East Sacramento:  “Keep calm, and wash your hands.”

Thank you.

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