30 Days of Anti-Racism

Note: This resources is from the United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race at: https://www.gcorr.org/30-days-of-anti-racism/

Please send us resources from your faith tradition so we can share them across denominations. Each of us must do our part to dismantle over 400 years of entrenched and systemic discrimination and racism, especially those of us who are part of the dominant culture.  We can learn from each others’ traditions and accomplish more together.


Join us this September for 30 days of anti-racism. Each day we will engage in an activity that helps us to become more anti-racist in the ways we think and act. Share your progress with a picture or a reflection using #30DaysAntiRacism.

Click here to download this resource as a PDF

What inspired this projectCampus minister Morgan Stafford has committed himself to live an anti-racist faith and life. “As a white man, I have learned that I’ve benefitted from racism, while people of color have been harmed. I believe that white Christians must take the lead to confront and dismantle racism. It’s our job.”
Morgan Stafford and his mentor, Dr. Deborah Smith
To focus and make tangible his beliefs, Morgan spent the month of June doing at least one thing every day to listen to, learn from, do, and become more anti-racist, reporting his progress via social media. We at GCORR liked the idea and reached out to Morgan to share his story, what he accomplished, and how it’s changed and enhanced his spiritual growth and his work with young people.
As a result, GCORR invites white allies (and others) to spend the month of September doing #30DaysAntiRacism. Please post photos of your activities using #30DaysAntiRacism and encourage your friends, members of your congregation, Sunday school class, pastors, and community partners to join this 30 day.

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