Civil Rights

“When all the prisoners of the land are crushed under foot, when human rights are perverted in the presence of the Most High, when one’s case is subverted – does the Lord not see it?”

Lam. 3:34-36

Working from a centuries-old commitment to the Social Gospel, we support the full complement of civil and human rights in our work and advocacy. We cannot determine how any group does not deserve to be full, inclusive members of society with all the rights and responsibilities full participation confers. We have long been active in supporting the civil rights for those groups historically excluded from large parts of our society. We have been active in reaching out to every group that faces exclusion from full participation in our political, social, and economic life. The Council has long supported those whom the dominant society has vilified and excluded. From the days of women’s suffrage through the internment of Japanese-Americans to those seeking justice in the Civil Rights and anti-war movement, we have reached out to those who need our comfort and support.

In  2001 we responded to a growing crisis following the dark days of 9/11 and its aftermath. As we saw fear give rise to hate crimes against Muslims and those perceived to be, we created our congregational study guide, Building Bridges of Understanding to help people of faith understand others of different faith traditions. We continued this witness by being present publicly on behalf of all non-Christians who were under assault from extremists. By working with diverse coalitions to raise awareness of all that we share rather than focusing on divisions, we extend this same outreach and support to anyone from the gay and lesbian communities to immigrants, to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault,  and to survivors of human trafficking or of torture – anyone who had become a victim of hate and inhumanity who needs us to support their human rights.

Click here to Read our latest postings on Civil Rights