Blessed Ramadan – download and print or buy a sign of affirmation

Dear Friends:

With another horror of extremism in our midst, we are also coming up on the blessed season of Ramadan, the holiest time for our Muslim neighbors.  Extremism is on the rise both globally and in our own human family as people use the acts of the few to target the many.  Hate crimes and distrust of our Muslim allies and neighbors have increased over 1000%.

We need to show that not all of us hate.  We need to offer support to our Muslim neighbors, even those unknown to us personally.  Therefore we are sharing some of the work of our state ecumenical ally, the Minnesota Council of Churches who give us a simple way to do this. There is also a story attached from one of their clergy that shows how much such actions can change people’s hearts and minds.

Ramadan begins at sunset this Friday night, May 26.  Never was there a better moment to put love ahead of hate.

A #BlessedRamadan sign is a catalyst

“To our Muslim neighbors, Blessed Ramadan.” It’s just a lawn sign. Yet it is a door to so much more. Last year one person who posted a Blessed Ramadan sign in their front yard had a relationally transformative experience with his delivery man as a result. Read the story hereLearn how to acquire a sign here.

A Blog from the Minnesota Council of Churches

A #BlessedRamadan conversation
June 20, 2016

This story, stemming from a Blessed Ramadan sign, brought tears to audience members at a luncheon last week. It came to us from a metro area clergyperson:

Today I wasn’t home when our groceries were delivered. My husband was home.
When he answered the door, the delivery man asked, “Is that your sign?”

My husband said yes, although to be honest he most likely wouldn’t put up a sign if I weren’t here to ask him to because he likes his privacy and prefers not to draw attention.

My husband and the delivery man had a 20 minute discussion – with the delivery man first challenging the sign in light of what happened in Orlando over the weekend. My husband explained that our Muslim neighbors are as horrified as we all are by that act of hate and violence. He explained that his wife is a pastor and that in our family we focus on loving people, honoring that people believe different things, and being good neighbors. And none of our neighbors think it’s okay to kill 50 people.

By the time the man left to deliver the rest of the groceries in his truck, he asked my husband if at our church this weekend we would be talking about how to love people even when you are kind of afraid or confused. My husband said, probably since in some way we talk about that most weeks. The man asked where our church is and said maybe he’ll stop by. He said, “God bless you AND your neighbors,” as he walked away.

May God offer continued blessings on your ministry.

Blessed Ramadan is Back!
Now, more than ever, it is time to speak up. Join the Minnesota Council of Churches in showing respect for our Muslim neighbors, as we wish them a #BlessedRamadan.

Extend your goodwill with a #BlessedRamadan lawn sign.

How can I get a lawn sign?
Order or print your own lawn signs locally. 

Download our design from the links above and send it to a local printer near you or do your own.  They do best on 11 x 17 paper.

Order signs directly from Impact Printing in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The 18 x 24-inch signs are $8 each, including the accompanying metal stands, and the buyer can either pick up the signs directly or pay for shipping. Call Impact Printing at (651) 489-0803, or visit their

Fill out our online form to request signs and donate to the Minnesota Council of Churches today! 
We suggest a donation of $16 for each sign (including the stand), plus $11 for the cost of shipping, if applicable. Signs are available for pick-up or delivery.

Are you requesting signs on behalf of a congregation or organization? Click on “Promotional Tips” on the sidebar for some helpful hints for your congregation. 
Have questions?  Maybe we already answered them–visit our Frequently Asked Question page to find out
We at the California Council of Churches thank our Minnesota friends for sharing this information. 

Please take advantage of this simple way to make a powerful statement of humanity. 

Thank you!

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