Threatened mass deportations. What can we do?


Dear Friends:

The Washington Post reports that our government is sending Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) throughout the nation to round up and deport millions of immigrants whom they believe to be undocumented. You can read the story here   For the faith community concerned with justice and due process for our immigrant brothers and sisters, this is alarming news.

What can we do?

In Northern California immigrant rights activists have rapid response teams on standby.  These teams cover northern and central CA counties from Humboldt down to Kern.  They can give you information on participation and offer phone numbers where you can report ICE activities requiring a response.  To access this list, please click here   

We are waiting for updates from Southern California groups. We will try to repost those later.

Other resources, organizations from which you may get information on how to help, are available here  This list includes the American Civil Liberties Union that has been on the forefront of many court cases judged in favor of due process and in opposition to mass roundups of immigrants and family separation policies.

If you can act, please do. If you are unable, please witness. If you can’t do that, please donate to groups that are and can.  If you cannot do that, please advocate.

There are laws on our books at state and federal levels that are being ignored both for the crisis of asylum seekers and their children and for those suspected of being undocumented. No one present inside our borders can be denied due process. That’s what looms for them if this mass deportation round up occurs. 

Please raise your voice, do what you can. This is a massive human rights violation, and we can be silent no more.

Thank you!

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