PPP is back, and the Supreme Court just upheld the Affordable Care Act. A good day!


Dear Friends,

Despite the continuing gloom from being locked down and at risk of serious illness, today had two bright spots.

The Paycheck Protection Plan that was supposed to offer small businesses loans that became grants when used to help employees, has been fully funded for a second time.  Despite the abuses of the first round – money given to large corporations rather than small businesses and non profits – this round seems as if it will actually help us and our communities.  Never say never, but the public outcry was sufficient that several large firms gave their money back.  Your voice does matter here.

If you have an application in or need to start one, it will be through your bank or (I’m unsure of this, sorry) credit union.  They will have the applications and will walk you through them.  Remember, if the money goes to your employees, the loan converts to a grant. And that is very good news!

Second good bit of news is that the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act at this point by authorizing (demanding, but we’re being polite) that the federal government pay insurers for the coverage they provided the last few years for people with pre-existing conditions.  The petitioners who wish ACA to die claimed Congress had ended ACA. That is not actually true, and the justices upheld the continued operation of the ACA.  That’s particularly good news for states that continued to enroll and support their residents. It means the states, already stressed from covering pandemic costs, will not have to pay insurance companies themselves.

Small steps. But big ones in their way. 

Take heart from success.  It’s too easy to miss it these days!

But still – wash your hands.


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