by Elizabeth Sholes, Public Policy Advocate, CCC/CCI
Dear Friends:
Election Day is November 5 with early voting, via drop box or mail, available until then. If you are planning on voting in person at the polls, a few things you should know.
We have very little election interference in California. That doesn’t mean there is none. If some of you encounter problems with obtaining or filing a ballot at the voting site, or, worse, face intimidation or threats as you vote, here is what to do.
If you are denied a ballot for any reason, DO NOT LEAVE the voting site. Instead, say, “I request a provisional ballot as required by law.” They have to give you one.
California, like every state, has federal judicial districts. The contain federal courts, US Attorneys and their staff, and federal agencies such as the FBI.
If you encounter any kind of threat, the procedures are:
First call 911 and report the problem to your local law enforcement.
If the problem is not resolved, then call your federal district FBI. California is divided into four federal districts: North, East, Central, South. You can see the map below to assess which is yours.

For unsolved ballot issues, on election day each federal district has a “Designated Election Officer” (DEO) who is a US Attorney on standby to help. You will contact them if and only if you are refused a ballot or in any other way have your vote barred or tampered with.
The numbers are as follows:
Northern District – San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and other coastal areas.
DEO: Sarah Griswold 408-535-5060
FBI – 415-553-7400
Eastern District – Sacramento, all counties from Oregon to Bakersfield, Sierras.
DEO: Kevin Khasigian 916-554-2723
FBI – 916-746-7000
Central District – Coastal counties, Los Angeles County and points east.
DEO: Thomas Rybarczyk 213-894-8452
FBI – 310-477-6565
Southern District – San Diego east to the Nevada state line.
DEO – Call the US Attorney’s office and ask for the DEO: 619-557-5610
FBI – 858-320-1800
We wish everyone a peaceful and quiet election day. But just in case, we want you to have the tools you need to get the help you deserve.
Thank you!